Steps to handling the site

Every day, every person in the program automatically receives treatment to increase joy, besides, it is highly desirable that you request daily care to increase joy and strengthen joy,

Write the name and the mother’s name and submit the form (daily treatments can be requested indefinitely).

To request additional treatment, you will select the mouse treatment, right-click and open a new tab, it is important that you do so and do not delete the current treatment.

The treatment is spiritual and does not require any particular action except asking for the treatment, as well as important to do the joy-enhancing activities as taught on the site to increase the joy and discover the soul and thus live within a real-life reality. .

Requesting to increase joy is the way to reach every goal and live in a real-life reality. It is important to note that a person on the site who seeks treatment to increase the righteous joy (UAV) also knows what your primary desire and need is, and this will also be the intent and focus of the treatment.

Keep in mind that joy light is a general light that affects everything and so a person who wants to work through joy is not focused on solving the problems but only on increasing joy and in such a way that the light of the soul can be discovered within the dimension of the soul and only then does legalism begin right in our lives .

It’s important to remember Only a person listed on the site will receive healing!

Daily care

Write your name and submit form only once and no more

Training videos for site members only

Joy Site

What joy is

Human Work That Receives Website Treatment

Ancient Good Shame and Joy

Animals and Joy

The place reveals reality

Joy Sports - Part 1

Joy Sports - Part 2

Joy Sports - Part 1

Joy Sports - Part 2

Joy Sports - Part 1

Joy Sports - Part 2